Request A Workshop

Thank you for your interest in our offered workshops. The Women’s Center provides a variety of workshops and trainings to:

  1. Raise awareness on issues that impact gender equity which affect students, staff, and faculty through educational workshops.
  2. Educate the campus community on gender-based violence, how it shows up in people’s lives, their role in advocating against gender-based violence, and provide tools that help with prevention efforts.

Our mission with our workshops is that the people that interact with them can take their learnings to their communities both on and off campus. We encourage you to visit our page to review the goals and outcomes for each workshop down below.

Workshops and trainings are provided by our professional staff and/or student leaders. Requests must be made using this form at least 10 business days in advance of the date being requested. If you have any other questions they can be directed to Graduate Assistant Daniela Iniestra Varelas at: thank you for your participation!


Sexual Harassment Prevention and Education Training

Trainer(s): Women’s Center Professional Staff

Duration: 90-120 minutes

Attendees will learn to identify various forms of gender-based violence and examine conditions that promote and/or support sexual harassment. Participants will also develop skills to initiate a dialogue on sexual harassment and strategies for sexual harassment prevention and response.

Intimate Partner Violence Overview

Facilitator(s): VAWPP Peer Facilitators and/or Professional Staff

Duration: 50-75 minutes

This workshop will provide an overview of the dynamics of abusive relationships, explore the individual and systemic barriers to addressing intimate partner violence, and review the resources available on and off campus.  This session is an interactive presentation and designed for the classroom context.

Women in Leadership

Facilitator:  Women’s Center Professional Staff

Duration: 60-90 minutes

Attendees will explore the importance of women taking on leadership roles; learning to be brave v. perfect; how sexism manifests at work; and strategies to cultivate a sense of self-worth.

Women’s Center Herstory Overview

Trainer: Women’s Center Professional Staff

Duration: 60-90 minutes

Start Smart Salary Negotiation for Students

Trainer(s): Women’s Center Professional Staff

Duration: 120 minutes

Start Smart is specifically designed to empower women college students about to enter the job market with the skills and confidence to successfully negotiate their salary and benefits packages. By learning strategies and practicing effective language, participants gain valuable skills they can use throughout their lives — well beyond their next negotiation. Students can expect to learn:

  • about the gender pay gap, including its personal consequences
  • how to quantify the market value of their education, skills, and experience
  • how to conduct objective market research and determine a fair target salary
  • how to create a strategic pitch and respond to salary offers

Food and Gender

Facilitator: Women’s Center Professional Staff

Duration: 60 minutes

Have you ever consider why you might make certain food choices?  This workshop will examine common gendered food marketing strategies (purpose and specific messages); identify ways marketing influences food choices; and critically consider how consumers are affected by food advertising (health, disordered eating, etc.)


Violence Against Women Prevention Program (VAWPP) Workshops

VAWPP workshops are interactive discussions, facilitated by peers or professional staff, which explore the continuum of gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence. Grounded in social justice and feminist perspective, workshops invite all campus stakeholders to examine their role in ending gender-based violence by addressing its root causes in oppression.

Consent 201*:

Facilitator(s): VAWPP Peer Facilitators and/or Professional Staff

Duration: 50-75 minutes

This workshop is designed to expand on concepts first-year students were introduced to at Orientation, inviting participants to think critically about common patterns of communication around requests, negotiation, pressure, and coercion. Facilitators utilize fun, interactive activities to foster discussion around gender stereotypes, power dynamics, and sexual and romantic scripts. * This workshop is specifically for FYE courses and must be requested through our FYE scheduling portal.

Power & Control (in Relationships):

Facilitator(s): VAWPP Peer Facilitators and/or Professional Staff

Duration: 60 minutes

This workshop invites participants to make connections between stereotypical gender expectations and unhealthy relationship patterns. Participants will gain: greater understanding of the various forms of relationship abuse and how they manifest, tools for assessing the health of their own connections, and proficiency in providing support to friends or family members who may be experiencing relationship violence.

One Love

Facilitator(s): VAWPP Peer Facilitators and/or Professional Staff

Duration: 90 minutes

The One Love program about intimate partner violence prevention. Two peer facilitators will present the workshop using the film MVP from the One Love foundation. MVP is a film focusing on how healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors can influence our romantic relationships, friendships, and daily activities. We specifically see how Miles, a star basketball player, experiences unhealthy behaviors from his girlfriend, Jess, challenging traditional stereotypes about who is affected by relationship abuse. This workshop will be an interactive, engaging workshop about intimate partner violence and other forms of gender-based violence.

Greeks Against Sexual Assault (GASA) Workshop

Facilitator(s): GASA Group Facilitators

Duration: 45-60 minutes

This workshop serves as a preview of the semester-long GASA experience offered every Spring in partnership with the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Topics offered include: rape-supportive norms and values within the Greek community, impact of gender stereotypes on social power dynamics, dispelling rape myths and victim-blaming, individual and community-focused bystander intervention, and supporting victims/survivors.