In response to requests from staff and faculty, we want to highlight where UConn employees can find more information about how to respond to students who disclose they have experienced sexual assault. Please visit – Offer Support As UConn Faculty, Staff – Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence. As a reminder, UConn employees have an obligation to advise the Office of Institutional Equity if they receive a report of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or stalking. The Women’s Center and other cultural center staff are exempt employees. Exempt Employees will offer students information about resources, support and how to report incidents of prohibited conduct to law enforcement and the University, but they will only report the information shared with them to the University if the student requests that the information be shared (unless someone is in imminent risk of serious harm or a minor). Before information is disclosed, please consider referring students, staff, and faculty who have questions or want to explore their options to the Women’s Center or other cultural centers. We also know that many staff and faculty have their own personal experiences with sexual violence, and we are here for you as well.