The UConn Women’s Advance Conference is a professional development opportunity
for women staff, graduate students and faculty at all levels of the University that is designed
to expand skills, increase knowledge, and enhance networks to promote a more
inclusive and supportive working and learning environment.
The UConn Women’s Advance Conference Planning Committee is seeking proposals by March 24, 2025 for workshops and presentations for the 2025 Women’s Advance Conference to be held at the UConn Storrs Campus on May 22, 2025.
UConn staff, faculty, graduate students and community professionals are invited to submit proposals that cover a wide range of topics including, but not limited to communication skills, cultural competency, negotiation skills, organizational time-savers, professional networking, leadership development, workplace climate, navigating the tenure process, global engagement and work/life flexibility.
The theme of this year’s conference is
Women Leading with Courage and Curiosity:
Building Power and Wisdom in Community
In this time of divisiveness among people, and the soaring visibility of racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression, it is our hope that proposals will seek to build community, expand skills and increase knowledge to address these important topics.
All proposals must be submitted through the online submission form by March 24, 2025.
Due to budgetary considerations, it is not possible to offer an honorarium to workshop presenters; however registration fees will be waived.
Selection Criteria
Sessions are 1 hour and 15 minutes. Sessions should provide in-depth information, practical ideas, and specific strategies for the attendees to use once they return to their workplace. Hands-on examples, opportunities to practice new skills, and active participant involvement are encouraged.
NOTE: Sessions cannot be used to sell or endorse products or services.
Session proposals should contain the necessary information for the proposal reviewers to judge the relevance, quality and potential community interest in the proposed topic. Proposals should answer the questions: What will attendees take away from the session? What will attendees be able to use in their job/role?
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of:
- Connection to the conference theme
- Timeliness/relevance of topic
- Topic’s contribution to women’s professional development
- Adaptability of ideas to a variety of roles
- Diversity of perspectives
- Diversity of presenters
- Quality of content
- Detailed description of session
- Clearly stated purpose and learning objectives
The following information must be provided in the proposal:
Presenter Name/Title/Contact Information (contact information will not be published without permission).
Co-Presenter(s) Name/Title/Contact Information (contact information will not be published without permission).
Session Title: Presentation titles should be descriptive of the content of the session.
Session Type: We welcome a variety of formats:
- Panel – This is a more formal, moderated discussion between 3-4 presenters with contrasting or complementary perspectives and a moderator. Please explain what each presenter will discuss.
- Roundtable – This is an interactive session led by one or more presenters that provides the opportunity for participants to engage in discussion and network with others around a common theme or topic. Please describe the theme or topic in detail, the questions posed to participants, and desired outcomes.
- Workshop – This session provides an in-depth review of (or introduction to) a topic of interest to the community, typically provides participants with materials and/or ideas that are immediately useful, and ideally devote significant time to hands-on activities by the attendees.
Session Description: Please limit to 50 words (if the proposal is accepted, this will be used in the program materials. It may be edited to conform to space constraints). Be concise and accurate; describe the program in a way that conveys its value and creates a desire to attend your presentation.
Session Outcomes: Articulate two most important learning goals that describe what attendees will gain, rather than what you want to tell them. What strategies, tools and knowledge are included in these outcomes?
Session Levels: The level is determined by the person(s) designing the presentation. The determination is based on the amount and level of information as well as the pace at which the information will be presented to the attendees.
- Beginner – The session presents introductory concepts and general understanding of the topic. Attendees have minimal to no prerequisite knowledge and limited previous experience with the topic or material.
- Intermediate – The session presents detailed, in-depth materials and instruction and attendees have some prerequisite knowledge. The content moves beyond basic information and facts and provides additional materials to help the attendees understand how to apply this knowledge to their job.
- Advanced – The session presents sufficient material and opportunities to gain new knowledge, practice its application, and complete a definitive action. Attendees have pre-existing knowledge and experience applying this information to their job. The session needs enough material and time to allow the attendees to achieve and demonstrate the objectives.
- Appropriate for any level
Session Target Audience: Conference attendees are comprised of faculty, staff and graduate students.
Presenter Bio (brief – 50 words)
Co-Presenter(s) Bio(s)
Session logistics
- Room set-up
- tables and chairs
- lecture style
- open floor space
Maximum # of participants (not to exceed 50)
Special instructions or requirements of participants