FYE Requests

All FYE instructors/mentors should sign up for their
VAWPP workshop
as soon as possible.


Please note that there are a limited number of workshops we can offer in a given week, thus we have designed the google doc to reflect our Peer Facilitator’s availability over an 11 week period (9/14 – 11/30). There are far more blocks listed than there are sections, so finding a time should not be an issue, however, sign-ups are first-come, first-served.

In order to secure the time slot of your choosing, we ask that you input your course number (e.g. 1800) followed by your section number (e.g. 54) and your first initial and last name (e.g. L.Donais). For example: 1800, 54, L. Donais. After you have input your information, your block will turn red – this is your initial confirmation. Please do not add your course and section numbers to a block that is already red. Note, this block will extend beyond your class time for administrative purposes; however, the lesson will only take your 50-minute class period. 

Any instructor who teaches during a given window can sign up for that time slot; we will know from your course and section numbers exactly when your class meets. You can expect to hear from a VAWPP representative at a minimum of a week before your scheduled workshop to confirm date, time, location and enrollment total.

Please note that the google doc will lock on Monday, August 31 at 9:00 a.m. If you need to adjust your request after that time, please email vawpp@uconn.edu at least two weeks in advance.