VAWPP-One Love

One Love- MVP





Please check in!




Group Agreements:

  • Share the message not the messenger​
  • Self-Care​
  • Respect each other
  • Say it in a headline.​
  • Check-in rather than check out​
  • We won’t assume you hold opinions that you bring up.




UCONN Consent Definition: 

1) Consent is an understandable exchange of affirmative words or actions, which indicate a willingness to participate in mutually agreed upon sexual activity.  

2) Consent must be informed, freely, and actively given.  

3) It is the responsibility of the initiator to obtain clear and affirmative responses at each stage of sexual involvement.  

4) Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity.  

5) The lack of negative response is not consent.  

6) An individual who is incapacitated by alcohol and/or other drugs both voluntarily or involuntarily consumed may not give consent.  

7) Past consent of sexual activity does not imply ongoing future consent. 


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What unhealthy behaviors did you notice in Miles and Jess’s relationship?



Tre has started hanging out with a guy he met in his chemistry class. His friends have been constantly telling him how much they really do not like this new guy. They say things like “Why are you still with him? He sucks!” and have stopped hanging out with Tre altogether. 

Step 1: What do you think about how Tre’s friends have been handling this situation? 


Step 2: How could the situation be handled in a healthier way?

Step 3: What could they actually say instead? 







The Perfect Meal

A picture of peach cobbler with a fllaky crust in a white bowl with a spoon.
Peach cobbler

Partner up.

Student A is going to make a meal for Student B.

Student B is sharing what they want.

Student A has the option to either make the meal themselves or go out and buy it. 

Student A is also going to eat this meal so they should also share their preferences, too.

In pairs: Describe to me your perfect meal to Student A:  

  • What is it? 
  • What absolutely must be in/on it? 
  • What absolutely must not? 





Why do people break up?

In your groups, talk through what’s going on for them.

Person 1 is an interviewer.

Person 2 is either Miles or Jess.

If you have three people, both Miles and Jess can be interviewed.” 


The interviewer can ask these questions, or you can come up with your own similar questions.” 

  • How are you feeling at the end of the film? 
  • What is important to you in a romantic relationship right now in your life? 
  • Are you getting what’s important to you from your current relationship? 
  • What do you think should happen next in the relationship?







Are You Buying These Hot Takes?

Move silently around the room and write your reactions, agreements, disagreements, thoughts, and questions about each of the signs. Participants can also circle, highlight, or comment on other participants’ thoughts and questions. 







Resources & Support:


In-Power is a weekly student-led support group dedicated to building a gender-inclusive community that welcomes victim-survivors of sexual assault, stalking, and/or intimate partner violence at any point in their healing process. Through a focus on empowerment, autonomy, and resilience, the group aims to help participants claim agency over their own stories and experiences, as well as the direction of the group. We’ll be accomplishing this with a variety of discussion topics and self-care methods. 

Meetings will likely consist of discussion surrounding these topics, an activity related to the topic, and time and ideas for self-care practices. However, this group is open to change depending on the needs of its members and we anticipate things will shift slightly based on group dynamics and feedback.  Topics for the spring will include:

In-Power is open to any UConn student regardless of gender identity. We are run out of the Women’s Center, but in no way does this mean that you must identify as a woman in order to be in the space. This semester In-Power will be held in-person on Thursdays from 6PM-8PM EST. If you are interested in joining the group, please reach out to facilitators Jola and Leina at:

SHaW- Student- Athlete support
Student-athletes have the option to work with a clinical provider identified as a student-athlete specialist, a generalist provider on staff, or a local community provider. A broad array of mental healthcare services are offered by SHaW, in addition to clinical and supportive interventions specifically targeted for NCAA Varsity Athletes. Our primary goal is to maintain a culture for UConn student-athletes where care seeking for mental health is as normal as care seeking for a physical injury

Chelsea Morales                                                 Samantha Morris                                              Dawn Shadron

Athletics Multicultural                                   Athlete Mental Health Clinician                 Director of Student Athlete Mental Health

Mental Health Clinician (Psychologist)                    (Psychologist)


How UCONN can help

CT Alliance to End Sexual Violence

CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence

10 Everyday Things You Can Do to Eliminate Gender Based Violence

How to Support a Friend or Family Member Who Has Experienced Gender Based Violence



Want to learn more

Consent 101

Tea and Consent

Sexual Citizens

A call to men

Get Involved at the Women’s Center

Become a VAWPP Facilitator